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About Us

Hi we are HoodRiderz, the personal transportation company.

Living in New York City we got frustrated with the, cars, traffic, packed subways, the crazy people on packed subways, it's busy what can we say, we knew there had to be a better way. So we set off to find it...

We like electric cars they're green (Great!) but they still get stuck in traffic (Boo!). Motorcycles are quick (Grin) and can cut through traffic (Bigger Grin) but you need a license to ride one (lessons, tests, paperwork, time - shudder...) and your family well let's say they worry about you...  Bicycles are nice and great at cutting through traffic too but you need a place to lock them, you can't guarantee the whole thing will be there when you get back to it, not to mention you get sweaty peddling and you can't take showers everywhere you go. That left us with Segways...  at $6000+ new - a very high price to pay...

But then we dug a little deeper... and discovered new innovative products created with some of the latest battery technology and decided to bring them altogether here for you. Admittedly some of these personal transportation devices are easier to master than others but we've gathered the best of them here for you to take advantage of, not just in NYC but across the country, on your college campuses, in your cities, towns and around neighborhoods.

Let us know what you think and don't hesitate to get in touch. You can email us at info@hoodriderz.com or phone us on the number below.

Keep it wheel! 

The HoodRiderz Team
tel: +1(646) 600-9086